Friday, September 11, 2009

Sexy Food, Sexy cars and the Oversexed society

I wrote this one for XXX church ( for which I am a weekly contributing blogger as well as for Every mans battle (

Thought I'd share it for those who do not frequent those sights.

How much more can we possibly be oversexed as a society? Recently Jack in the Box did a commercial with about a billion sexual references and risqué themes. Paris Hilton did a tantalizing commercial a couple years back for a burger joint, geez even Buick threw in the “when you turn your car on, does it do the same for you?” lines in their product. Seriously? Is it me, or does anyone not realize IT’S FOOD? Food was meant to be consumed, NOT SEXY. I don’t need sexy food, I need food that tastes good, and doesn’t make me fat. How often do you look at your friends and go “I’m just in the mood for some really sexy food”? Something that really turns me on when I eat it? I need a car that starts, runs and get’s me to where I need to be. I don’t need a sexy car! I don’t need that “sexual feeling” going 75 on the interstate. I need to not have to take it to a mechanic. Avoiding a mechanic? Now THAT’S sexy. Maybe the car companies should do a commercial like that?

Enough rambling. Fact is companies continually make a pledge to OVERSEX their product. Sex sells right? Maybe. But even more LUST sells, imagination sells, and daydreaming sells. This is why it’s so important to fight for sexually purity. We have to rest on the proverb that says “the preparation of the heart belongs to man”. To not allow ourselves to be OVERSEXED we first have to take ownership of our minds, our hearts and sometimes more importantly our EYES. We have to then GIVE that ownership over to GOD. If the eyes are the gateway to the soul, why do we allow them to go to a fro (not intentionally rhyming there, just comes naturally)? We have to be pro-active to keep purity a priority (there I go again as MC Jimmy). I encourage you to keep the remote in your hands at all times. Change the channel. Research your movies, and monitor your music. To be sexually pure is work, and it SHOULD BE. It’s something that beautiful that is absolutely worth defending. Don’t allow society, products, or entertainment to be in control. Look, not so sexy food tastes good too!

tHe iDiOt.....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Confessions of a Weepy Father...

So tomorrow another school year begins. This will be my 3rd year as a daddy, and sending of a child to full time school. This year is especially rough on me. I'll be sending 2 kids off. I've written, preached, taught, and counseled people on the importance of realizing how short time is, and prioritizing the things you do, believe, and give yourself to. Nothing to me speaks more true then being a father. As the hourglass ran today, the realization that summer 09 was running its course. It will never be again. My Bella will be a 2Nd grader, my Ari will be in pre-K, and Josiah will poop his pants greater then he has in his entire 7 month existence. The fact is, my babies are growing up too fast. It's something I've never been good at dealing with. No matter how much I do, it feels I can do/be so much more. Sitting on my front stoop, tears running (or flowing) knowing this season is finished is heart breaking. Why? Because I'm a sap? Maybe, I'll give you that! Because I'm a sentimental DB? Probably. But here's what I've watched far too long. I've seen children running after their daddy's, and daddy's falling into the category of great father. I've seen wives support their husbands to the point where it actually looks like he may be a good husband. But at times (not all) I've seen a disconnected man, who has an amazing family in spite of him. This is sin!
I speak with people, and when I'm transparent about how I hate to see my kids grow up so fast, they tell me "Get over it, they will be teens and hate you soon, and it will be easier". See here's the thing....I DON'T WANT TO BE YOU! I want to be me, sappy, emotional, and at the end of the day my wife and my children will never feel the sin of disconnect from their father/husband. They will know daddy loved them with an unbridled emotion. I ask my kids often "please stop growing up". They assure me if they could they would.....
Bella just came down saying she can't fall asleep....Not gonna lie....I'm kinda glad.

Off to be daddy...the greatest job I have

tHe iDiOt....

Friday, August 14, 2009

My week at the Bowery

This past week I was able to spend a week serving the great city of NY. I took about 19 young adults and high school students with me. We decided to briefly move into the Bowery mission which has been serving NYC since 1879 (primarily the homeless community). We lived, broke bread, shared stories, laughed and served with some amazing people who God was in the process of restoring. I prayed for divine connection for the students to connect with God in a powerful way by most importantly serving Him. As we got there I read to them out of Luke where Jesus is talking about the heart of servant hood, and how the wise servant is the one who is always in the mindset of serving the master (Luke 12:35-47). I encouraged them that these too were God's children, that God loved us no more or less then He loved them. I told them something quite bold as well. The main reason I love working with younger generations is they are daring, bold and courageous. I told them they were on a trip most adults (including most parents) would never dream of going on. There's nothing magical sounding about "lets go live in homeless communities". But there is something beautiful in the experience. I do believe we all received just as much as we gave on this trip. This group was beautiful. Nothing fazed them. When you "move in" with a broken community, the beauty is what you can add to it. It's like if you've ever seen a black and white photo, with just a dab of red in it. At times it was draining hearing so many heartbreaking stories, yet being able to minister to the hurts, the pains, and to be able to encourage people that society would rather forget, to me, is exactly on target to who Jesus was. I felt alive. I felt like I was honored and privileged to wake up INTO ministry everyday, as opposed to having to try to create ministry. It was an amazing time, and I'm honored to have been apart, and can't wait to return...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How well does your skin fit?

David said "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made".
Jesus said we are "the light of the world"
God himself calls us HIS people..
Yet it is so funny to me how uncomfortable people are in they're own skin. There's a particular individual I love. It's the person who could care less what others think of them. It's the person who people sometimes can't stand, but are too dumb to realize that life would be dull without them. This type of person has a gift. This is they type of person I always try to be, but in my heart always fall short of. Being in ministry causes you (or at least if done the Jesus way) to be completely vulnerable. Constantly you are opening yourself up to be challenged, criticized, and targeted. Now, you also have the opportunity to meet incredible people. People who no matter what will love you for all that you are, and realize your perfection is a work in progress. There are also those who you have the chance to be something in their lives, and be apart of Gods great transformation in their lives. This is why I stay in ministry. But to deal with so different peoples and circumstances, you have to be comfortable in your own skin. You have to be comfortable with WHO you are, more then WHO EVERYONE wants you to be.
For instance. I hate when people live in the past. Even if I was part of the past, I kill for present and future. I believe what we do in the present and future, gives a tip of the hat, and a head nod to the past. But we were not meant to live in it. When people want me to live in their past, it feels as if at times they are wanting me to be something I'm not. Something I cant be! That never sits well with me. I believe God has called us all to be something unique,and original. For you here's the question.
At the core of you, are you comfortable in your own skin?
Are you the person you have always dreamed of being, or a cheap imitation of someone else?

Signs you are NOT comfortable in your own skin:
Inability to let go
Can't trust anyone
Always wound tight, and can never let loose
You have to be the center of EVERYTHING, all the time
You haven't had a good laugh in forever (at least not when someone ELSE was funny)
Your unable to laugh at yourself
Inside that head of yours, not matter what situation arises, you feel you know more then anyone....about anything...

Signs your completely comfortable in your own skin:
When others attack, you maintain (as hard as that may be)
Your always looking for a smile with someone
Your not someone who says WHAT everyone wants to hear, but more of what they need to hear, or whats truly on your heart.
You look to laugh with others always
You laugh at yourself with ease.
You don't have to be the center of attention that often
You are able to let go
You realize your never really the smartest guy in the room (even if you are)
You easily give credit

Needless to say, we are all God's wonderful creation. We need to be comfortable in who HE has called us to be, and the skin HE has given us residence in....

tHe iDiOt.....

Friday, July 17, 2009

The OVERthink (ER)'s

I'll admit it. I'm a junkie for a good read. I mostly read to learn, rarely for pleasure. I also have a learning disorder. I'm dyslexic and in high school was diagnosed with STMD (short term memory deficit). Basically all my life retention has been a major issue. So I must keep on my game. Constantly (RE) learning things, and (RE) discovering paths I've been down before. This is good and bad. Good on the sense it has forced me to be a life long student, always wanting to learn from others. The good has also been that my creativity is off the charts. I'm usually only limited to my surroundings and people I'm around (the "we can't do that, it will cost too much, that's not who we are types. ). The bad is I'm like a funnel. Information I need to memorize at times just runs right through me, and at times I need it most, it's the furthest from me.
So I dive and again (RE) dive into books. But what I'm realizing the last several months is that in these book, conversations, meetings with leaders, and just theological thinkers and dwellers is that we are quickly becoming over think(ER)'s. The thing I love about my disability is that I have to keep everything pretty simple. When it comes to our faith journey this aggravates the ones who love the in house (church) debates on theology. But for me I love it because it demands me to build a strong foundation on the simple teachings (Jesus' stories) and direct commands of Christ. It forces me to not be able to pull out my arsenal of liturgical readings, and theological studies, and demands I keep it all simple and sweet. Now I surround myself with people who are on the other end. The literary, the brilliant minds (I'm really blessed because I married one). But in the end, the simple gives me the biggest advantage I could want as a pastor. It keeps me closer to the needy. It keeps me relate able to the unwanted, and it keeps me in the center of the people I have the most heart for. The despondent.
If I OVER thought things, it would probably take me away from them. I think readings, studies, leadership conferences are all VERY NEEDED and VERY HELPFUL. But its our job to digest the info and apply the action. I love in acts when the disciples are having to chose Judas' replacement. They have to choose between Matthias, and Joseph. This was HUGE. This was prophesied that they HAD to replace Judas. So how do they do it. They draw lots (think rock paper scissors, but not as animated). No OVER thinking there. They left room for God. They showed themselves approved, and didn't OVER complicate the process. Jesus says in LUKE 21 when warning about the end times. That "others will come in my name saying I AM HE" and warns of "earthquakes" and how they will "lay hands on us and persecute you" but that it would be a time for "testimony". and this is the best in verse 14 it says "Settle it in your hearts NOT to meditate beforehand on what you will answer". HA HAAAA seriously? vs 15: I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist".
Don't OVER THINK. Show yourself a wise student, apply what God and His spirit leads.

all this brought to you by your friendly

Thursday, June 18, 2009

tHe deadly sin of predictability balanced by the art of consistency.

take a adorable journey with me  IF YOU DARE (lame attempt at an over dramatic statement) OR IS IT? (there I go again).
I want you to try to think the last time you were caught being completely predictable. When that loved one caught YOU being YOU, or that co-worker repeated your "catch phrase" as you said it. How did it make you feel? I know for me mine happened 5 seconds ago. I ran into my local bagel shop to place my order. The 3 fresh faced people behind the counter gave me the usual blank stare as  I approached and gave my order. "BLT on a everything bagel please"?......THEN IT HAPPENED!!!!! (OK i gotta stop) the young girl looked back at her "counter"(get it..counter, bagel shop....hello?) parts smiled and went right to work. They of course giving her the glance of WOW AMAZING! See what had happened was she called her shot. What do I mean. Check this.
I'm a sports nut. I'm all things CHICAGO (bulls, bears, blackhawks, and of course cubs). Needless to say I haven't experienced a ton of winning. But there was "THE DYNASTY" where as for 6 out of 8 years I hung my head high as Michael Jordan ran the world. From October the June MY TEAM was elite, and I let everyone know about it. I remember watching games (vs the Knicks...hollaaaaa) where we would be down by 987 points with 7 seconds left, and yet I just knew we were coming back. I remember watching Jordan take over a game against the Pacers one night, and having to wait to see if he made the shot. Not because it was off. But because the shot he just put up was so perfect it barely touched the net in it's travel. It went up and down completely perfect. It was positive predictability, or consistency. You knew MJ was taking over, and at the end of the day he'd find a way to hit the 989 point shot. He just would...he was MJ. Now back to my bagel beauty. I asked her "Am I that predictable?" and she said the worst words I could hear. "YES". Then she burnt my bacon. 
Depending on your view, predictability can be good or bad. Consistency can be good or bad. For me, the predictable consistency of MJ dominating the Knicks and a BLT sandwich is good, it's actually fantastic. For the Knicks and obviously deli girl, it's hell. The key here is balance. 
There are many Christians, many church's, many ministries that have become so predictable communities know what we are going to do even before we do it. But then there are church's who are so good at what they do when they do it, it shows an amazing art of consistency. Again BALANCE!
I believe God is beautiful and marvelous and majestic because he has the ability to do what we as people sometimes cannot. He can be consistently consistent while 
Eleanor Roosevelt said: 

“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor”
Like bacon flavored? You better believed I've ordered my last BLT for a while. Or have I?
tHe iDiOt...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Weight of Trials....

There's an old saying that something "is worth it's weight in gold".  Of course gold has a worth no matter the amount or weight, but the increase in the weight in itself, determines the overall value, (stay with me here, the lameness get's unlame momentarily). 
One of the "themes" in my life, that if you cut me to the core, I would "bleed" a desire to see people free from bondage (i.e. depression, loneliness, fear, anxiety, etc). I also love more then anything being a valuable asset to someone going through a trial of sorts. I've got to admit to you, I've walked hand in hand with some pretty awesome people through their trials, and needless to say I think we have it all wrong. See here's what I think (for what it's worth)

The weight (or heaviness) of said particular trial, completely determines the value of your purpose

See the weight of the trial doesn't have to be looked upon as a negative, but embraced as a positive. Another thought is this:

You never know what you have to go through, to be the person you are SUPPOSED to be.

We cannot say we understand completely WHY God allows us to go through trial, and tests. But we can rest assure that the weight will all be proportionate to the value. 
See the weight of your trials as a catapult to your purpose. Seek God during these trials, as

 Proverbs 3 says: 

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct[a] your paths.

Remember......your golden baby..

tHe iDiOt...

Friday, May 8, 2009

A GREAT tradition for you to start

So yesterday was my ARI'S 4Th birthday. She had her right of passage and got her ears pierced. Like any other unsuspecting parent, the time has escaped me to the point of aggravation. I don't think any good parent ever feels they spend enough time with their children. I think I do a pretty good job (especially when I compare myself to others). I think I'm way above average, but could be so much better. So I made a national SMUDA holiday that the king (that's me) has declared across the land. This decree says:


decreed by his majesty

We've decided to take every birthday that falls on a weekday and EVERYONE must call in, take off, and cancel OR say no to. So that we can make that person in our "tribe" feel oh so very special.
This is something anyone can do. If your married, dating, kids are grown, college aged, whatever. We can get so caught up "chasing" whatever it is that God has put on your heart to chase, that at the end of the day your life became this series of chases (which is not ALL bad) but when it gets to the point where we've missed the out on the loved ones around us. IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?

I've really been praying that God would give me the wisdom to stop, and breathe in the "moments" with the people I dearly love. My wife, my kids, my mentee's, the people who call me pastor, and the people who call me friend. Like I said, comparatively speaking, I'm really good at this...but here's my scariest thought.

Yesterday was her ears pierced!

Tomorrow I'm walking her down the isle!

And I refuse to miss a single big event in between...

Start a tradition...take the day.

tHe iDiOt....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


A buddy of mine just did a teaching at a chapel service here at my church. He spoke about NEHEMIAH and the need for us as followers of Christ to have Joy "expressively" pouring out of our pores. Needless to say I blew off that teaching (just kidding Jared). Actually, it brought me to start a study on NEHEMIAH. 2 particular scriptures pop at me.
Chapter 2 vs 1. Nehemiah writes "NOW I HAD NEVER BEEN SAD IN HIS PRESENCE BEFORE". Now Nehemiah was the kings cup bearer. 

Job description: Looking for a bright young man, who is young, cheerful, has good listening skills, gives good council, and is available night and day at the kings request....OH, and must taste all the wine before the king does in case it's poisoned, in which case you would die. All applicants please pick up application at Human resources of King Artaxerxes palace.

Even more, I find it amazing that the king took notice. See Nehemiah was grieving the outbreaks in Jerusalem. These had been happening for some time, yet he says he was NEVER sad in the presence of the king. You could argue it was because of a lavish lifestyle (being the cup bearer had it's privileges) you could argue for a time he was glib (thank you tom cruise). But I tend to believe it's because he was in the presence of the king constantly. I tend to think because his job description meant that he lived to possibly die one day for the safety of the king, this brought him joy. There may have even been a time where he saw what was happening in Jerusalem, and his desire to go to rebuild the wall, that he had to put on his mickey mouse face until he could bear it no more. I used to be a waiter (and a darn good one at that) and I used to have a  manager say "I don't care what your going through, every table better feel like they are @ Disney world, so get your mickey mouse faces on". 

Sometimes we need to be strong and rely on God to give us the strength. Though our world may be crumbling we must never forget we are in the PRESENCE OF THE KING. One way Nehemiah did this (chapter 9) was reassure and remind HIMSELF the goodness of God during times of prayer and fasting. 

Sometimes we need to grin through something until we cannot bear it any longer, to show the KING the desires of our hearts.

I don't give a FACEBOOK.......

****this post is meant to be more comical then anything else. If you are offended A. it probably fits you....and B. We ALL need to learn to laugh at ourselves more right? here's a rant. I was so excited about facebook at first. But now I really feel it's simply feeding people's urge to be self minded (myself included. This is probably WAYYYY more for me then ANYBODY else.). I've come to realize, if I wasn't in ministry, I wouldn't have one.i Facebook is like is NOT REAL (for all my Floridians, you know what i mean. Orlando is not a real representation of the actual FLORIDA)..It IS however a great way to get a mass about of information out at once.....
It's all about OUR status, which comically to me goes against almost anything JESUS right? no? maybe? huh? I'm babbling, but i SWEAR this all makes sense in MY HEAD....(which is a very very lonely place)

Here's what I don't give a facebook about:

I don't give a facebook about:  (STATUS SPEAKING) 
-y0ur workout routines (this includes running "x" miles per day)
-who your having lunch/dinner/coffee with (this includes your "amazingly beautiful ____________)
-when your sitting in Starbucks doing GOD KNOWS WHAT?
-you going to the gym...or NOT..
 -every conversation you have, during every moment of your day
-how long you spent at the gym
-your eating schedule (s)......
-who your hanging out with every moment of your ever popular life
-for the love of all that is holy YOUR FLIGHT SCHEDULE (S)
-whatever your watching on t.v.
-your gym schedule....(again..i know)
-if you want me text you while your at the GYM....
-when you are getting a haircut
-whatever cute thingy your pet has done.
-(for pastors) your prep time, your meeting "key" leaders, your speaking schedules, flight schedules, book sales, staff meetings, how great your staff is
-MAFIA WARS....(seriously)
-if your up way to early....or way too late...
-what kinda SONG best describes you
-what kinda GYM describes you
-All your RIDICULOUS rants on government and how the president is the DEVIL.....
-if your status @'s someone (ex....Jimmy is meeting @bobloser for should be punched in the face)

all time worst example of a STATUS:

Jimmy is meeting @joeydillweed for lunch, then hitting the gym to run 900 mile, even though it's waaay to early to be up, but it's OK because later I'm catching a flight to talk leadership with @JesusChrist, and how we can overthrow @OBAMA, AND my new book "how to play F.B. mafia wars", while listening to becks "loser" which f.b. decided was the song that best describes me, .........TEXT IT.....

genuine things about YOUR day
funny sayings you heard, or said
YOUR birthday
events in YOUR life
birth of your child
gifts you received 
anniversary celebrations (no details on dinner needed)
an old story YOU remember
something funny your kid said
whatever revelation God gave you for that day
how you feel
an exciting moment in your life
a great event that just took place that day
what made you smile today
what made you laugh (excluding the gym, or anything workout related) 
invites to your big events 
if your struggling
if your happy
if your sad
if your joyful
what your working towards (school, life, family)
what's making you smile
what's making you feel loved
funny little quotes or things your doing..

but all in all....that's just me.....(again...all meant in humor)

let's not be so self indulged that we miss the point of such an awesome "connection" to people opportunity by tooting our own horn(s)

I care to know more about the genuine things of people......then their workout schedules....

but again...I'm am 

tHe iDiOt.... 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Allow yourself to be encouraged

My wife and I were having one of "those" conversations the other day. (come on know what I'm talking about) one of those conversations where "I" was wrong, and everyone else around me was right, but I had yet to see it that way. We moved from who's right vs who's wrong to just plain old frustrated. Then it became apparent to me, it didn't matter if "I" was right or not. It didn't matter if other people were right or not. What was most apparent, was I was pen ting up anger, and frustration towards groups of people, that in THAT case at least, "I" WAS WRONG, and I needed to check myself, and seek healing. Then came another discussion. THIS one was the one where the iDiOt recognizes he's wrong (not overall...again...up for debate) but that he's wrong in his heart (which is even worse then the actual ORIGINAL debate of me being wrong or right to begin with) then the iDiOt ( BUNNY TRAIL i love referring to myself in the 3rd person with my blog name...) goes into a mass depressive state, with quarters  so tight a single piece of sand would find uncomfortable. 
My wife then begins her best efforts to comfort me (however I found it completely odd that if she just would have agreed with me in the first place, and allowed me to SMITE those that wronged me, I would have needed no comfort) She begins to encourage me. Here's the thing. I had already heard it before. I realized I have heard every single encouraging word any human can ever utter in the history of existence. I have heard every compliment, every good word, every single encouragement known to man kind. I've heard them from good people, strangers, family, even friends of friends. You name it, I've heard it. But I'm not sure how much of them I actually ever let in, sink in, or marinate in my sometimes dry heart. I simply would either agree, or discard. I then thought, I wonder what the church's Paul wrote to thought. Weather he was encouraging, rebuking, confirming. Was it a (very sarcastic) "HEY GUYS......PAUL'S WRITING AGAIN...LET'S SEE WHAT BRAIN-BUSTERS HE'S DROPPING ON US THIS TIME"? or did they get excited by a letter in wonderment of what words their spiritual daddy was writing. I know if we study the "actions" of those church's we can get a better understanding of their attitude.
What I also know is it's hard for me at times to allow others to encourage me. As a pastor, I feel it's always in my job description (and i really believe it is!) to do that. Maybe it's due to a lack of genuineness, or time span between that at time hardens my hardens my heart. Allowance is more then money you earned as a kid. Allowance, is opening yourself up to be encouraged, strengthened, and loved.

Encourage others, and allow yourself to be encouraged...

Romans 1:11-13 (New International Version)

11I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— 12that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

...tHe iDiOt....

Friday, April 24, 2009

Loneliness: "The great battle against desolation"

I've had several conversations with people this week about something that breaks my heart. I've had the same conversation over the past couple months more then I can count. The subject. Loneliness! (and for those dropping the "youth" watermark on me, it's been with adults as well...GASP!!!!!!!)
To me one of the worst things a person can expeirience is the feeling of desolation. It feels like a lead weight dropped in my stomach when I hear that. One definition of desolation is "deprevation of companionship".  I find it ironic too, being that we are in such a "communicative" time in live (cell phones, emails, face book, twitters, twatters, twangers, blogs, smogs, and whatever form of false communication you subscribe to). The problem is I think we've used these forms of connecting to do the opposite. To disconnect. Listen, I love these things. I have most of the ones I mentioned above (the real ones at least). But I've challenged myself in this area lately. How much of that am I using to either disperse info ABOUT myself VS connecting to others. The harsh reality is I became a Jimmy whore. Pimping all my thoughts, cares, feelings, etc, but less time asking others (friends) about what's going on in their lives. Now relax before you cast that sharp stone. I'm not saying sharing info on yourself to friends is bad. But I believe in balance. 
So I ask you these questions as a friend. 

Do you share more about YOU, then YOU ask about OTHERS?
How much of your general conversations are based around YOU? (what YOUR doing, what YOUR involved in? etc).
Are you a person who has an answer for EVERYTHING?, so much you ask questions about NOTHING?
How much joy do you find in the success of others? VS the success of yourself?

Why am I asking questions about YOU, when talking about loneliness. Because I believe as Followers of Christ, we must make it our mandate, our call, our mission, to build community.  God gives his character in short forms in scripture on loneliness.

Gen 2:18 "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone...'"

 1 Cor 12:21 "The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you!' ..."

God knows the need for community, and the enemy understands the power of desolation. I'm thankful for his promises...
Heb 13:5 "... God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will
I forsake you.

And I'm even more thankful to remind others of these promises.....

Live WITH others, Live FOR one.....

tHe iDiOt......

Thursday, April 9, 2009

More for me than you....(REMIND SOMEONE, SOMETHING TODAY)..

In Jude (unsure of which version) it says "Let not your love feast have any spots".

I tell people all the time "letters" are the way to my heart. I keep all of them. Communicating our love for one another, is the greatest tool we have as Christians...brothers and sisters......and family.

I post this not to reveal to the world how awesome I am/was/will be (even though ALL are so true....HUMILITYYYYYYY).

          I post this to encourage you TODAY to reach out to someone you love(d) at one time or currently, tell them, share it with them. We've made ourselves into such a  dispensing type of people. (i.e. MY status updates..facebook, twitter, etc) We dispense OUR information, and give minimal care to other's thoughts, worries, pains, joys, success. My pastor always says "Live outside yourself". It's tough for us to do at time, but you never know what you do to a person when you reach out and remind them.
This young lady I had the privilege of knowing  (and baptizing...AWESOME) and living life with for a short time. God used her in a powerful way to send me a letter I needed desperately AT THAT TIME. When you reach out and share your love, it could be the most powerful way God reminds someone how much HE loves them as well. It reminds you that your not alone. It reminds you that people actually care in a sometimes cold world, and even more so that people are actually listening.


It was because for once someone believed in me.
It was because you were the tallest person I’d ever met.
It was because of that cough you seemed to always have.
It was because you told me I loved like you.
It was because you said my love was a river, and it could carry me anywhere,
but rapids always happen in rivers,
and I’d have to fall out and get wet and hurt sometimes,
just like you.
You never told me I was too young, not good enough, I wouldn’t understand.
You told me it was a choice I’d end up making.
All you ever did was try to help me.
And I made my own choice.
I wonder why not everyone has to learn the hard way?

It was how intense you got when we talked.
It was because you weren’t afraid to cry with me.
You we’re never afraid to tell me about Jesus Christ.
It’s because I trusted you.
It’s because your foot never stopped bouncing the hole time.
Or how I saw your brain race with desperation.
For me, for my generation, for your generation, for humanity.
Desperation of love and passion for God.
You told me about the past, about yours, about a lot of things.
I don’t remember how I was thinking at the time.
Maybe I was just looking to talk, and tell my story.
Or maybe I knew you could give me more.
You did give me more, and I threw it aside till I realized I should’ve listened.
Where I saw nothing, you showed me God.
Where I felt nothing, you gave me God.
Where I was sleeping, you woke me up with God.
I want to thank you for telling me I had the gift of love.
Thank you for believing in me even when I made the choice you told me not to make.
Thank you for having love for me even when I might’ve blown you off.
I wish you were still around.
I wish I could’ve known you more before you left.
I wish it hadn’t broken my heart to see you leave.
I tried to hate you.
I tried to let everyone else be right about you.
But I had memories, no one knew.
No one listened to every talk we ever had.
No one knew the God you gave to me, to see, to love, to believe.
No one knew the depth I found in you.
How did I wreck everything so badly when all I was trying to do was love?
I wish we could still talk like we use to.
But our seasons run a little different now and there’s nothing I can do.
Just as long as you always know,
always remember the God you gave to me.
Remember the faith that sparked through you.
The determination to love from you.
Love is something I think I forgot to give along the way.
Love is nothing to throw away.

I love you and miss you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Shadow Boxers is a cable access show in N.Y. The goal of Shadow Boxers is to tackle HOT TOPIC issues with today's emerging culture. The mission of Shadow Boxers is also to show "modern day hero's". People who are doing something to make a change in themselves, or in this world.
Shadow Boxers desires to showcase champions.

Please give the show a moment to upload, may take longer for slower internet connections.

SHADOW BOXERS from jimmy smuda on Vimeo.


Friday Nights at MIDNIGHT on channel 20 on CABLEVISION

or become a subscriber to our channel

*again, please forgive the quality. I'm looking into ways to upgrade my resources* 
It isn't the best, but it's all I've got, so I'm gonna be faithful..

Help Spread the word please

tHe iDiOt...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Being Missional or Being the Mission..

I've moved around several times in my life now.  I love it, I hate it!  I hate leaving people, but extremely enjoy the new challenges of a new area, or community. Coming to understand that community, how it ticks, and what the DNA is. What I also love is trying to figure out why God brought me to a specific area. I see my missional journeys as just that, MISSIONS! I go into an area not wanting to "become" the mission, but to be missional. I believe God brings us all to places where we are to "add" to the existing structure, town, community, organization, etc. I've learned so much in every Mission I've been on, and the people I've met, and experiences I've had are priceless to me. I know I would not be  the man/leader/husband/father I am today without them. 
However with a missional mindset, we have to beware to not become the MISSION. A missionary goes out to bring change, to build up, to encourage, and in a Christ follower sense to serve selflessly. They do not go to become a part of that particular mission. This takes fighting apathy, or critical-ness, or discouragement. Missonal's see the value they can bring, and they stand fast on this. Through thick and thin, they are committed to the mission, they live for the mission, they would even die for the mission, however to become the mission would be chameleon-like, and pointless. 

Paul did this well. When he went to Berea, Greece, he went with a mission, yet not at the cost of BECOMING THE MISSION himself.

Look where your at today (family, work, ministry, life) 
To be MISSIONAL, is to be EVERYDAY MISSION minded.

Are you missional or part of the mission.....

Missionals make a change
Mission's are in need of a  change..

....tHe iDiOt...

33 years of wrong running.....

So the Mrs and I are on our latest "let's get fit" campaign. There's a big part of me that would love for us to simply give into time, age, and the natural laws of gravity and literally ENJOY our cake and eat it 2....(yeah..the number 2).
So the other day we went for run. 3 1/2 miles of fun. I was impressed with the fact that I broke a 10 minute mile after not running for what seems like decades. But it was during my last maybe quarter mile that i realized something. As I was pushing harder and harder, trying to finish I began thinking of my form. How can I save energy, my thighs were on FIRE at this point, and if it didn't look ridiculous I would have just rolled the last lap. So i started taking inventory of how I was running. I realized for 33 years I don't know if I've ever ran, as much as I simply lumbered. See to run, (this will be obvious to all...but me) It's a multiple extension of the leg for a certain length, the foot hitting the concrete, THEN (here's where I've been missing the boat) HEAL, TOE, then the flexing of the calf to push forward...Simple right?
But for me it was small extension of the leg, and kind of a dead weight heal toe and ZERO flexing of the calf for the PUSH.
DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO KNOW YOU'VE BEEN RUNNING WRONG FOR OVER 33 YEARS?????? I mean, growing up, I was a multiple sport athlete. I've never been the fastest guy in the world, but I also prided myself with my build, height, and mass that I was NEVER a bumbling big man. Middle of the road maybe, but definitely NOT slow.
So here's the deal. Take inventory of your life right now. Not of the present situations, but of things you've been doing for years, and see if your running wrong. The beauty of discovery, is what you do AFTER you've discovered....that's the fun part. Now, I have a new passion for running, because I will run the way running was supposed to be done. The bible says to run the race with endurance, but it's says the right way below.
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

So I pray you come into the realm of self-discovery of something in your life that needs examining. And with that discovery you would turn your eyes and your energy to focus on that, and run the right way....

tHe iDiOt....

Thursday, March 26, 2009


VISION; the act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight.
2. the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: prophetic vision; the vision of an entrepreneur.

VISIONARY: given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas

Very different definitions don't you think? "the power of anticipation vs not presently workable". This week I had the chance to share at a local high school  what it is to be a visionary (P.S. I  THINK EVERYTHING IS FANCIFUL NOW)
I've come up with a new slogan for myself

"a visionary lives in unpractical boldness"...
Think of how important VISION is? The bible says "w/o the vision PEOPLE perish"....not church's, not organizations...not ministries....but PEOPLE perish..which in hence means church's, organizations, and ministries CAN go on and by God even be successful. But PEOPLE? They perish! Hence the importance of the VISIONARY. People who live in unpractical realms...and boldness. I believe a vision goes in 3 steps.
1. It starts with a thought (very spiritual...i know)
2. It directly moves to a vision (because the thought has had some time to plant in our souls, fertilize, and grow
3. then it becomes reality..
Without the 3rd step, it's still a vision, but a INCOMPLETE VISION, which then would categorize itself as a wonderful thought....or potential vision..
The church needs  visionaries, who are unpractical and bold, and make these visions realities....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Psalm 62:7
My help and glory are in God —granite-strength and safe-harbor-God— So trust him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for him. God is a safe place to be.

TRUST is a crazy word. It sounds so easy, but takes so much to accomplish.

My daughter Bella has this down. She would easily jump off a 10 story building if I promised to catch her.....Ari (my youngest daughter) has a rough time trusting me tying her shoes.

I love this verse because it takes something that's extremely difficult for us to do (trust) and takes it to another level. But wasn't that what Jesus was all about......Undeniable Absolutes...

Another word comes to mind with these words. TRUST.....ABSOLUTES....AND NON-NEGOTIABLES.
small words with sick big meanings...

Jesus had a list of non-negotiables that he not only made...but LIVED OUT...

Tonight in my continual "HOW'S YOUR 30 SERIES?"  I'm teaching on the NON-NEGOTIABLES OF JESUS.....Take a look at my TOP 30 NON-NEGOTIABLES OF JESUS 
(Omitted is the obvious heaven, hell, and 2nd coming...c'mon people!!!!) 



Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I always tell people saying if I was a wrestler I'd want to be called Jimmy "never say die" Smuda. Seriously, it would stick! Now,  I love it when something unexpected falls into your lap. A good friend of mine came up to me and said "So I have a connection, Would you like your own cable t.v. show"? My response? FOR REAL?
As the details became more "realistic" the shot of getting my own cable access show seemed a long shot at best. I was told 1,000's of people apply (it's FREE...DUH) and the chance is slim, but why not. 
Long story longer...I submitted the application, waited..and GOT IT! ARE YOU SERIOUS?Then came the heart wrenching news of you have to have your first show by THIS MONDAY (keep in mind, I got this info on WED). My first reaction was, "Well...that would have been nice". Then something clicked in. That 
NEVER SAY DIE attitude. See I believe you either have that KILLER INSTINCT, or in life you suffer the possibility of being INSTINCTIVELY KILLED. There has to be that drive, that passion that becomes the fuel in which you survive on. You know you have this when everything and everyone says "There's no chance", and sometimes that everything and everyone is YOU YOURSELF.
It's more then an OVERDRIVE button, or a PUSH, or an adrenaline rush. It's like this. Ever
 see the movie "point break" with one of the most amazing actors of all time keanu reeves? HOW SILLY! OF COURSE YOU HAVE! There's this ridiculous scene where Patrick Swayze jumps out of a plane, away from the thespian (aka keanu). Mr. brilliant (again Keanu) has no parachute so he's faced with a dilemma. Either let the bad guy get away...or JUMP and HOPE. Mr. Fantastic (by now, you get it...Keanu) jumps out of the plane and grabs Swayze in one of the most incredible cinematic scenes since......well since Mr. Amazing (KEAAAAANUUUUU) jumped the city bus in speed......the man is a god kids! (full sarcasm intentional, except the parts that are completely true).
That's what a never say die attitude looks like. NO is not an option. Quitting doesn't even make sense, and not trying is completely unacceptable. 
READ NEHEMIAH CHAPTER 6 from the message and you COMPLETELY get what I'm saying..
So....Shadow Boxers is born......encouraging fighters to keep fighting...


Friday, March 6, 2009


One of my all-time favorite shows is friends. I know, morally disturbing, but none the less I'm a sinner with an over abundance of grace, let's move on!
The reason I love that show so much is the relationship between the 6 main characters. My favorite part of the show was one simple act of connection. You may find it silly, and ridiculous, but to me it was the most incredible act of trust, love and community. THEY NEVER KNOCKED! NO KNOCKING WAS NEEDED!
You always see them just walking into each others apartments, unannounced. With no forewarning. I loved this. Forever I've talked about 1 dream of mine. To be an old man playing cards, smoking cigars and arguing with a close knit group of friends of mine  over a games of cards if MONTANA or MARINO was the greatest quarterback of all time (MARINO).
Sadly with every passing year that reality becomes less and less. See I've moved around alot...some would say TOO much. It was never my intent to move so much. I wanted to be that guy, who lived in a neighborhood for 100 years. But God had other plans. In embracing that however has cost me. It's cost me intimate, close, and life long friendship. People discard what they cannot see, touch, feel on a regular basis. I was reading this morning out of  JOHN 15. Jesus gives us this command to love each other as I have loved you. EVEN POSSIBLE? He goes on to say "your not my servants, but my F.R.I.E.N.D.S". He does give an ultimatum before this. He says "you are my friends do what I command". See in real friendship there is a "DO-ing" aspect. I think the definition of a friend is funny and interesting per each individual. Think of your facebook, twitter, etc. We have hundreds of many do we really know? or REALLY REALLY care about? Friendship shouldn't be defined simply as a "in the moment" means to connecting to others. To me friendship should be forever. Imagine if people spent more time "staying" connected to one another, as opposed to just replacing one another? 
 What you would have is that "DO-ing" principal, and probably a deeper understanding of the friend being "closer than a brother". 
Real friends are not expendable. I encourage you. Embrace the "DO-ing" of friendship.  Fight to save relationships as best as you can. Remember the "love one another" was not a simple suggestion, but a commandment, and strive to have the relationships where NO KNOCKING IS NEEDED!!!!!
As for this idiot........I will hold on to the dream, of smoke cigar, card tables, and the "great debates"....

.....tHe iDiOt....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

God and Gays.....

"But most of all, If Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he'd want me to say to all the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that they are less than by their churches, by government or by their families that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures who have value. And that no matter what anyone tells you, GOD DOES LOVE YOU"...

These were the words on OSCAR NIGHT 2009 by Dustin Lance Black who directed the movie MILK. A movie about a activist named HARVEY MILK, who stood prominent for gay and lesbian rights. The movie won best original screenplay, as well as best actor for Sean Penn.

Now as I must say at first, hearing the acceptance speech, and this particular part was at first a shock up my spine. I was angry he would lump church's right in there with intolerance. I was even more angry that Mr. Black would address "KIDS" in a subject so sensitive (If a born again, Christian went up there and said "kids, say your prayers, put down your porn, give your full life to Christ, and deny yourself and take up your cross to follow JESUS CHRIST....just IMAGINE the N.Y. POST the next day???) 

Anyway! After my initial aggravation I thought to myself, is it true? Should we be judged so unfairly/fairly?

I didn't come up with an answer on this. I took it to prayer. Homosexuality has always been near and dear to my heart. I plan on doing a documentary on Homosexuals who struggle with their faith..(notice not Christians who struggle with on words suckerrrrs...) I feel at times they are the modern day leopards in the church (don't ask...don't's not there...i can't see you)
What I did come to understand though is this. Mr. Black couldn't be MORE CORRECT.
God does love these "kids". 
God loves "Gays", God loves "addicts", God loves "porn stars", God loves "alcoholics", God love "child molesters", God loves "murderers", God loves "porn-a-holics, God loves "thieves", God loves "adulterers"....  




Check out God's character here....


sounds harsh? and it is! but the beauty of God IS his harshness...why? because his harshness is always followed by his parental instinct. Drop down to vs 31:

31: RID YOURSELVES OF ALL THE OFFENSES YOU HAVE COMMITTED, AND GET A NEW HEART AND A NEW SPIRIT (A FATHER PLEADING WITH HIS CHILDREN) WHY WILL YOU DIE, O HOUSE OF ISRAEL? (and here comes one of the greatest versus in the bible in detailing God's heart for his people)
32: "FOR I TAKE NO PLEASURE IN THE DEATH OF "ANYONE", declares the Sovereign LORD, Repent and live!!( GOD IS BEAUTIFUL)

God desires to not lose ONE!
NOW? Now the church has the job to change the perception of the sinner, without watering down, OR high-fiving  the sin!

Again folks...i am the idiot.....