Thursday, March 26, 2009


VISION; the act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight.
2. the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: prophetic vision; the vision of an entrepreneur.

VISIONARY: given to or characterized by fanciful, not presently workable, or unpractical ideas

Very different definitions don't you think? "the power of anticipation vs not presently workable". This week I had the chance to share at a local high school  what it is to be a visionary (P.S. I  THINK EVERYTHING IS FANCIFUL NOW)
I've come up with a new slogan for myself

"a visionary lives in unpractical boldness"...
Think of how important VISION is? The bible says "w/o the vision PEOPLE perish"....not church's, not organizations...not ministries....but PEOPLE perish..which in hence means church's, organizations, and ministries CAN go on and by God even be successful. But PEOPLE? They perish! Hence the importance of the VISIONARY. People who live in unpractical realms...and boldness. I believe a vision goes in 3 steps.
1. It starts with a thought (very spiritual...i know)
2. It directly moves to a vision (because the thought has had some time to plant in our souls, fertilize, and grow
3. then it becomes reality..
Without the 3rd step, it's still a vision, but a INCOMPLETE VISION, which then would categorize itself as a wonderful thought....or potential vision..
The church needs  visionaries, who are unpractical and bold, and make these visions realities....

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