Friday, July 17, 2009

The OVERthink (ER)'s

I'll admit it. I'm a junkie for a good read. I mostly read to learn, rarely for pleasure. I also have a learning disorder. I'm dyslexic and in high school was diagnosed with STMD (short term memory deficit). Basically all my life retention has been a major issue. So I must keep on my game. Constantly (RE) learning things, and (RE) discovering paths I've been down before. This is good and bad. Good on the sense it has forced me to be a life long student, always wanting to learn from others. The good has also been that my creativity is off the charts. I'm usually only limited to my surroundings and people I'm around (the "we can't do that, it will cost too much, that's not who we are types. ). The bad is I'm like a funnel. Information I need to memorize at times just runs right through me, and at times I need it most, it's the furthest from me.
So I dive and again (RE) dive into books. But what I'm realizing the last several months is that in these book, conversations, meetings with leaders, and just theological thinkers and dwellers is that we are quickly becoming over think(ER)'s. The thing I love about my disability is that I have to keep everything pretty simple. When it comes to our faith journey this aggravates the ones who love the in house (church) debates on theology. But for me I love it because it demands me to build a strong foundation on the simple teachings (Jesus' stories) and direct commands of Christ. It forces me to not be able to pull out my arsenal of liturgical readings, and theological studies, and demands I keep it all simple and sweet. Now I surround myself with people who are on the other end. The literary, the brilliant minds (I'm really blessed because I married one). But in the end, the simple gives me the biggest advantage I could want as a pastor. It keeps me closer to the needy. It keeps me relate able to the unwanted, and it keeps me in the center of the people I have the most heart for. The despondent.
If I OVER thought things, it would probably take me away from them. I think readings, studies, leadership conferences are all VERY NEEDED and VERY HELPFUL. But its our job to digest the info and apply the action. I love in acts when the disciples are having to chose Judas' replacement. They have to choose between Matthias, and Joseph. This was HUGE. This was prophesied that they HAD to replace Judas. So how do they do it. They draw lots (think rock paper scissors, but not as animated). No OVER thinking there. They left room for God. They showed themselves approved, and didn't OVER complicate the process. Jesus says in LUKE 21 when warning about the end times. That "others will come in my name saying I AM HE" and warns of "earthquakes" and how they will "lay hands on us and persecute you" but that it would be a time for "testimony". and this is the best in verse 14 it says "Settle it in your hearts NOT to meditate beforehand on what you will answer". HA HAAAA seriously? vs 15: I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist".
Don't OVER THINK. Show yourself a wise student, apply what God and His spirit leads.

all this brought to you by your friendly

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