Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The last few days have been many "proud" moments.
This past Sunday I taught with a student of mine in front of the church, I currently serve at.
What an honor. 1st to be given the privilege to speak to such a diverse, multi-ethnic crowd. But also to share a stage with an men tee of mine. I've only known Mark for about 6 months, but our souls have collided in a beautiful effort to further the kingdom. I sat there  very proudly on Sunday as I glanced with a watchful eye, almost seeing God pour his blessings upon this young man. It felt as if I was watching a boy transform into a man.

I also have another proud moment. This one a bit more to the center of the heart. My oldest daughter Bella starts 1st grade tomorrow. Nothing in me wants to allow her to grow up. I dread every day that takes "too  much" time away from her. It makes me sick when I lose focus on what's important to me. There is nothing more important then Family, and the people who can become family. NOTHING. PERIOD!
We have to look for the opportunities where we can bask in joy for others, while seeing the move on in their life. Though sometimes it's really hard for us to watch others succeed and move on. It's important our lives remain selfless and focused on others.
Otherwise we are self absorbed, over bloated, egotistical maniacs....
or what others may call...Ministers (I'm a minister..i just took a shot at myself and no one else)
tHe iDiOt....