Friday, March 6, 2009


One of my all-time favorite shows is friends. I know, morally disturbing, but none the less I'm a sinner with an over abundance of grace, let's move on!
The reason I love that show so much is the relationship between the 6 main characters. My favorite part of the show was one simple act of connection. You may find it silly, and ridiculous, but to me it was the most incredible act of trust, love and community. THEY NEVER KNOCKED! NO KNOCKING WAS NEEDED!
You always see them just walking into each others apartments, unannounced. With no forewarning. I loved this. Forever I've talked about 1 dream of mine. To be an old man playing cards, smoking cigars and arguing with a close knit group of friends of mine  over a games of cards if MONTANA or MARINO was the greatest quarterback of all time (MARINO).
Sadly with every passing year that reality becomes less and less. See I've moved around alot...some would say TOO much. It was never my intent to move so much. I wanted to be that guy, who lived in a neighborhood for 100 years. But God had other plans. In embracing that however has cost me. It's cost me intimate, close, and life long friendship. People discard what they cannot see, touch, feel on a regular basis. I was reading this morning out of  JOHN 15. Jesus gives us this command to love each other as I have loved you. EVEN POSSIBLE? He goes on to say "your not my servants, but my F.R.I.E.N.D.S". He does give an ultimatum before this. He says "you are my friends do what I command". See in real friendship there is a "DO-ing" aspect. I think the definition of a friend is funny and interesting per each individual. Think of your facebook, twitter, etc. We have hundreds of many do we really know? or REALLY REALLY care about? Friendship shouldn't be defined simply as a "in the moment" means to connecting to others. To me friendship should be forever. Imagine if people spent more time "staying" connected to one another, as opposed to just replacing one another? 
 What you would have is that "DO-ing" principal, and probably a deeper understanding of the friend being "closer than a brother". 
Real friends are not expendable. I encourage you. Embrace the "DO-ing" of friendship.  Fight to save relationships as best as you can. Remember the "love one another" was not a simple suggestion, but a commandment, and strive to have the relationships where NO KNOCKING IS NEEDED!!!!!
As for this idiot........I will hold on to the dream, of smoke cigar, card tables, and the "great debates"....

.....tHe iDiOt....

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