Tuesday, July 29, 2008


     Ever feel like your always 1 or 2 steps behind the next big idea. Last year a group of students and I begin feeding homeless communities in Lakeland Fla (before the city kicked them out). 6 months later REVIVAL HITS. For the last 10 months God's been putting a discontent in my heart how the church "Markets JESUS". Donald Miller writes a book called what? MARKETING JESUS! I swear in my line of work, there are always books being written, or philosophy's being implemented that "just" get done ahead of mine. As aggrevatting as that is, it's also comforting to know your in the right "ballpark", to where God is leading your life. This isn't that comforting though at the time. 

     You understand JOB (the bible guy..not the career) when he says "HE deprives the leaders of the earth of their reason' he sends them wandering through a trackless waste". 

But we must realize that as long as were in the same ocean, the waves of God's majestic visions will open in front of us. 

We must be patient. 

Psalms 143 says "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

     May we always be hungry to do. And patient to listen, wait, and BE STILL~
-ThE iDiOt-