Friday, April 24, 2009

Loneliness: "The great battle against desolation"

I've had several conversations with people this week about something that breaks my heart. I've had the same conversation over the past couple months more then I can count. The subject. Loneliness! (and for those dropping the "youth" watermark on me, it's been with adults as well...GASP!!!!!!!)
To me one of the worst things a person can expeirience is the feeling of desolation. It feels like a lead weight dropped in my stomach when I hear that. One definition of desolation is "deprevation of companionship".  I find it ironic too, being that we are in such a "communicative" time in live (cell phones, emails, face book, twitters, twatters, twangers, blogs, smogs, and whatever form of false communication you subscribe to). The problem is I think we've used these forms of connecting to do the opposite. To disconnect. Listen, I love these things. I have most of the ones I mentioned above (the real ones at least). But I've challenged myself in this area lately. How much of that am I using to either disperse info ABOUT myself VS connecting to others. The harsh reality is I became a Jimmy whore. Pimping all my thoughts, cares, feelings, etc, but less time asking others (friends) about what's going on in their lives. Now relax before you cast that sharp stone. I'm not saying sharing info on yourself to friends is bad. But I believe in balance. 
So I ask you these questions as a friend. 

Do you share more about YOU, then YOU ask about OTHERS?
How much of your general conversations are based around YOU? (what YOUR doing, what YOUR involved in? etc).
Are you a person who has an answer for EVERYTHING?, so much you ask questions about NOTHING?
How much joy do you find in the success of others? VS the success of yourself?

Why am I asking questions about YOU, when talking about loneliness. Because I believe as Followers of Christ, we must make it our mandate, our call, our mission, to build community.  God gives his character in short forms in scripture on loneliness.

Gen 2:18 "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone...'"

 1 Cor 12:21 "The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you!' ..."

God knows the need for community, and the enemy understands the power of desolation. I'm thankful for his promises...
Heb 13:5 "... God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will
I forsake you.

And I'm even more thankful to remind others of these promises.....

Live WITH others, Live FOR one.....

tHe iDiOt......

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