Thursday, December 18, 2008


So it's almost a week later, and I've digested our little project. Or have just begun to. Beginning last Friday night, I endeavored upon the great city of NY as a homeless person. With nothing but the clothes on my back, and my i.d. and 2 other pastors, we set out to give a true testimony of what life was like living street life. We didn't know what to expect, or what we would encounter, but we were willing...and that is worth something. Friday came, my biggest fear was running into students who I serve (as the school that's the part of my church, and right next door to my house was on a field trip to the city). It was 3 pm, and we were on our way. No students around....test passed. At the train station, the pastors and I broke away from each other (which we had already incurred some resistance from the train workers in giving us really mind blowing the time. I guess the giant clock right behind them, wasn't....well working). We took some private time to pray, get alone, and ask God for divine connections and experiences with HIM. Just as we were ready to board, the train arriving opens, and a plethora of my students walked off the train with nothing but a "gasp". One particular girl looked at me straight in the face and literally let out a whimper. I looked at her stunned, and did the only thing I thought someone who had a bright life ahead of them could do when taking the plunge into street life, and turning away from everything they love. I winked....and I walked away. Not acknowledging them whatsoever. As I walked into my train, they came running. They stood at the door of the babies, my kids, everything I serve God for..just staring with blank, hurt faces....Then the doors closed, and the train departed. The symbolism God used in my head at that moment, that someone would walk away from everything they love, without a word was paralyzing.
I don't know if I thought it would feel "that" real. I was numb the entire 40 minute ride to the city, only awakening from my emotional coma as we hit the streets of the city, and encountered the reactions of people. Or should I say the avoidance of my existence....
I realized very quickly this documentary was going to be alot bigger to me then I ever dreamed......and surely alot more real....

(to be continued)


Jay S said...
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Jay S said...

While reading this I immediately thought, "WAIT, I was in Manhattan on Saturday!" I wondered if maybe you passed me or I passed you and without recognition just continued walking. That would be crazy but it is very possible being if you had seen me you probably wouldn't have been able to acknowledge the fact while set out on your mission incognito. Oh well! Did you see all the Santa's during SantaCon? It was preeeety stinkin' festive! Good Luck and I wish you the best. Miss you, Jay!

Our Multi-scene said...

Jay thanks for leaving the comment

with the santa thing.

we were probably feet away from each other man...
ha ha ha.
i have video of me begging for money from them. and them mocking me...