Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I always tell people saying if I was a wrestler I'd want to be called Jimmy "never say die" Smuda. Seriously, it would stick! Now,  I love it when something unexpected falls into your lap. A good friend of mine came up to me and said "So I have a connection, Would you like your own cable t.v. show"? My response? FOR REAL?
As the details became more "realistic" the shot of getting my own cable access show seemed a long shot at best. I was told 1,000's of people apply (it's FREE...DUH) and the chance is slim, but why not. 
Long story longer...I submitted the application, waited..and GOT IT! ARE YOU SERIOUS?Then came the heart wrenching news of you have to have your first show by THIS MONDAY (keep in mind, I got this info on WED). My first reaction was, "Well...that would have been nice". Then something clicked in. That 
NEVER SAY DIE attitude. See I believe you either have that KILLER INSTINCT, or in life you suffer the possibility of being INSTINCTIVELY KILLED. There has to be that drive, that passion that becomes the fuel in which you survive on. You know you have this when everything and everyone says "There's no chance", and sometimes that everything and everyone is YOU YOURSELF.
It's more then an OVERDRIVE button, or a PUSH, or an adrenaline rush. It's like this. Ever
 see the movie "point break" with one of the most amazing actors of all time keanu reeves? HOW SILLY! OF COURSE YOU HAVE! There's this ridiculous scene where Patrick Swayze jumps out of a plane, away from the thespian (aka keanu). Mr. brilliant (again Keanu) has no parachute so he's faced with a dilemma. Either let the bad guy get away...or JUMP and HOPE. Mr. Fantastic (by now, you get it...Keanu) jumps out of the plane and grabs Swayze in one of the most incredible cinematic scenes since......well since Mr. Amazing (KEAAAAANUUUUU) jumped the city bus in speed......the man is a god kids! (full sarcasm intentional, except the parts that are completely true).
That's what a never say die attitude looks like. NO is not an option. Quitting doesn't even make sense, and not trying is completely unacceptable. 
READ NEHEMIAH CHAPTER 6 from the message and you COMPLETELY get what I'm saying..
So....Shadow Boxers is born......encouraging fighters to keep fighting...


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