Thursday, April 9, 2009

More for me than you....(REMIND SOMEONE, SOMETHING TODAY)..

In Jude (unsure of which version) it says "Let not your love feast have any spots".

I tell people all the time "letters" are the way to my heart. I keep all of them. Communicating our love for one another, is the greatest tool we have as Christians...brothers and sisters......and family.

I post this not to reveal to the world how awesome I am/was/will be (even though ALL are so true....HUMILITYYYYYYY).

          I post this to encourage you TODAY to reach out to someone you love(d) at one time or currently, tell them, share it with them. We've made ourselves into such a  dispensing type of people. (i.e. MY status updates..facebook, twitter, etc) We dispense OUR information, and give minimal care to other's thoughts, worries, pains, joys, success. My pastor always says "Live outside yourself". It's tough for us to do at time, but you never know what you do to a person when you reach out and remind them.
This young lady I had the privilege of knowing  (and baptizing...AWESOME) and living life with for a short time. God used her in a powerful way to send me a letter I needed desperately AT THAT TIME. When you reach out and share your love, it could be the most powerful way God reminds someone how much HE loves them as well. It reminds you that your not alone. It reminds you that people actually care in a sometimes cold world, and even more so that people are actually listening.


It was because for once someone believed in me.
It was because you were the tallest person I’d ever met.
It was because of that cough you seemed to always have.
It was because you told me I loved like you.
It was because you said my love was a river, and it could carry me anywhere,
but rapids always happen in rivers,
and I’d have to fall out and get wet and hurt sometimes,
just like you.
You never told me I was too young, not good enough, I wouldn’t understand.
You told me it was a choice I’d end up making.
All you ever did was try to help me.
And I made my own choice.
I wonder why not everyone has to learn the hard way?

It was how intense you got when we talked.
It was because you weren’t afraid to cry with me.
You we’re never afraid to tell me about Jesus Christ.
It’s because I trusted you.
It’s because your foot never stopped bouncing the hole time.
Or how I saw your brain race with desperation.
For me, for my generation, for your generation, for humanity.
Desperation of love and passion for God.
You told me about the past, about yours, about a lot of things.
I don’t remember how I was thinking at the time.
Maybe I was just looking to talk, and tell my story.
Or maybe I knew you could give me more.
You did give me more, and I threw it aside till I realized I should’ve listened.
Where I saw nothing, you showed me God.
Where I felt nothing, you gave me God.
Where I was sleeping, you woke me up with God.
I want to thank you for telling me I had the gift of love.
Thank you for believing in me even when I made the choice you told me not to make.
Thank you for having love for me even when I might’ve blown you off.
I wish you were still around.
I wish I could’ve known you more before you left.
I wish it hadn’t broken my heart to see you leave.
I tried to hate you.
I tried to let everyone else be right about you.
But I had memories, no one knew.
No one listened to every talk we ever had.
No one knew the God you gave to me, to see, to love, to believe.
No one knew the depth I found in you.
How did I wreck everything so badly when all I was trying to do was love?
I wish we could still talk like we use to.
But our seasons run a little different now and there’s nothing I can do.
Just as long as you always know,
always remember the God you gave to me.
Remember the faith that sparked through you.
The determination to love from you.
Love is something I think I forgot to give along the way.
Love is nothing to throw away.

I love you and miss you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


"Shadow Boxers is a cable access show in N.Y. The goal of Shadow Boxers is to tackle HOT TOPIC issues with today's emerging culture. The mission of Shadow Boxers is also to show "modern day hero's". People who are doing something to make a change in themselves, or in this world.
Shadow Boxers desires to showcase champions.

Please give the show a moment to upload, may take longer for slower internet connections.

SHADOW BOXERS from jimmy smuda on Vimeo.


Friday Nights at MIDNIGHT on channel 20 on CABLEVISION

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*again, please forgive the quality. I'm looking into ways to upgrade my resources* 
It isn't the best, but it's all I've got, so I'm gonna be faithful..

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tHe iDiOt...