Monday, August 4, 2008


"It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless g rabs for happiness; trinket gods; magig show religion; paranoid  loneliness; cutthroat competition; all consuming yet never satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence of love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives small minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on. This isn't the first time I have warned you, If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit Gods' kingdom".

Christianity is a funny thing to the CHRIST FOLLOWER. Christianity, at times is a product that can be formed to our current pleasures. (I.E. I LIKE THIS MOVIE...HENCE I CAN COMPLETELY JUSTIFY SPENDING 190 DOLLARS TO GO SEE IT...I MEAN IT'S JUST A MOVIE). The Christ follower sees the implications that movie has. Christianity at times frustrates the Christ follower. Though yes, one in the same. They have different mind sets. The Christ follower is avid on relentless pursuit of HIS precepts. The Christian struggles with how to "define" his/her Christianity.  The Christ follower, desires to die to himself continually, being the shadow of Christ. Sometimes Christians want it Their way. This leads to a life confusing, complacent, and shallow. What's the difference?  What are the distinct differences between Christianity and the Christ Follower?

Love to hear on this one!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Missions Minded

Missionaries are funny. People who go on missions  trips are even funnier. Now I'm speaking from a point of NEVER going on a missions trip (ill explain why in a bit).  But when someone comes back from a missions trip, it's ALL they can talk about. I mean in their mind we have missed out on the greatest opportunity God ever gave to any man, woman, child, or martian.  We must have missed God by like 4 states by not going on this missions trip. If were involved in another ministry....HOW DARE WE. Consequently one young woman this morning chastised the congregation. She made everyone stand up who had NOT gone on a missions trip, then exclaimed WHAT A SHAME....and continued to tell us how embarassed we should be for not going. (Funny note: This prompted a gentlemen next to me who also stood up to say: "But I supported over half that team...NOW WHAT?" I chuckled. A young lady who happens to help on my leadership team, and is in my college ministry, and is the pastors daughter. Shared her 3 week expierience with passion and conviction. In between both services I told her "BE THE FIRST". She looked at me quizzically. I said be the first to drag us to where God brought you to....Not allowing us to drag you back to "normality". 
     See for 11 years, I've heard of every missions trip is the most amazing. Only to watch every soul become the same shell they supposedly left here. It's like when they were unpacking from their missions trip, they went right ahead and unpacked that lazy, ego driven, complacient, critical christian they originally took with them. 
See the first young lady (the WHAT A SHAME lady) said about a 5 things completely offiensive to me. And you know what? I LIKED IT!!!!!!
        Seriously, I loved it. I was totally offended, and loved every second of it. You know why? I was in the prescence of passion. I was in the prescense of a EXPIERIENCE WITH GOD....The pastors daughter spoke on DREAMING BIG, in one of her points. I was hit with DREAM OBNOXIOUS....

DREAM OBNOXIOUS.....Think about that. Obnoxious people have absolutely no worry about who they are offending, where or what. They are obnoxious, and don't care WHO cares about it! A couple of these missionairies were seriously obnoxious, and offensive. And I loved every minute of it.

James 1:5 says (the message)
Ask Boldly. believing without a 2nd though. People who "worry about their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the mast that way, adrift at sea, keeping your options open

here's to OBNOXIOUSNESS.....

(to be continued....)