Thursday, December 18, 2008

The IGNORE (ant) vs tHe iDiOt....

So I'm struggling here. I struggle with "ignore". Or being ignored. I also struggle with the "ignore" "ant". Look, I'm not an egomaniac that is like the "Stuart"saying "look what I can do"! But I do have issues when we ignore one another in the body of Christ. Our needs, our struggles, our victories. Blind eyes see nothing worth value. Here's my "rant". Within the last several months, I have reached out to several people in the christian world who I greatly admire. I mean deeply admire, I mean look up to (and continue to look up to......and that's hard...I'm 6'6). I reached out via email, hand written notes, phone calls, face books, pigeons with notes attached, smoke signals, airplane signs, and prophets directly speaking from God on their voice mails (OK..i exaggerate...I'd never take time to hand write anything). 
I've asked for very difficult things (like a quick note of advice via email, or how they got that God idea). I mean come on! We get it! Your busy, insanely popular, and God is using you in mountain moving ways. But when is too big...too big. When we don't have time for the "little" folk.  Coming out of bible college, I remember wanting to be the next RON LUCE, speaking in front of 100,000 young people a night. Now, "that" would be hell. I like manageable. Don't get me wrong I like big...big hair, big jeans, big crowds. What I don't like is big ego's, and I can't help but think that the big boys that are too busy to write a simple email saying "try this" haven't lost sight of the real. Jesus rode with 12, to reach billions. Get small to BE big is a theme that's been in my spirit for over a year now. Back to my thought (because I love these people so much, I REFUSE to call it an "Issue" it's more of a frustrating thought)

Here's a sample of my rant:

Dear "said HERO"

I just wanted to write you a note first saying how much I admire you, and what God is doing in and through you to reach thousands for his kingdom. I've read all your books, and listened to almost every podcast. YOU ARE A HERO TO ME IN THE FAITH. I won't take up too much of your time knowing how incredibly busy you must be. I am a young pastor, embarking on reaching an emerging generation.  I think clearly you are on the forefront of what you are doing on the west coast. I am from N.Y. and we have nothing like that here, but when I study the west coast, and compare it with what's going on (or not going on) here in N.Y. I think maybe God has brought me here to merge what you do here.
I'm not asking for anything but maybe a simple sentence of direction! Some encouragement you may think to lead me in the right direction!
Again thank you so much for being such a influence in my life.
Deeply appreciative,
Jimmy Smuda

Now listen, this guy IS a hero. STILL to this day. If he came out with a book again tomorrow I'M BUYING. Because I'm not holding "him" on a pedestal. I recognize GOD is using him in mighty ways. I'm not holding unrealistic expectations. I'm not even faulting him for not a response. What I am saying is this. I did this with several people, and got not ONE response! I would have taken..."Jimmy, pray, fast, and seek God's face".

When Jesus recognized the lady who touched his robe, it showed he wasn't TOO BIG to not recognize the small. When the widow brought 2 mites, and dropped them in....He wasn't too big to recognize her heart.

I rest on the fact that ALL of these people are still my hero's, and I will suck the influence right out of all of them, pray for them, and support them. However I've realized something (which is good for me) I don't want to be them! Give me a small group to take on a BIG WORLD!

I find comfort in the words of Ghandi
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win".

tHe iDiOt......


So it's almost a week later, and I've digested our little project. Or have just begun to. Beginning last Friday night, I endeavored upon the great city of NY as a homeless person. With nothing but the clothes on my back, and my i.d. and 2 other pastors, we set out to give a true testimony of what life was like living street life. We didn't know what to expect, or what we would encounter, but we were willing...and that is worth something. Friday came, my biggest fear was running into students who I serve (as the school that's the part of my church, and right next door to my house was on a field trip to the city). It was 3 pm, and we were on our way. No students around....test passed. At the train station, the pastors and I broke away from each other (which we had already incurred some resistance from the train workers in giving us really mind blowing the time. I guess the giant clock right behind them, wasn't....well working). We took some private time to pray, get alone, and ask God for divine connections and experiences with HIM. Just as we were ready to board, the train arriving opens, and a plethora of my students walked off the train with nothing but a "gasp". One particular girl looked at me straight in the face and literally let out a whimper. I looked at her stunned, and did the only thing I thought someone who had a bright life ahead of them could do when taking the plunge into street life, and turning away from everything they love. I winked....and I walked away. Not acknowledging them whatsoever. As I walked into my train, they came running. They stood at the door of the babies, my kids, everything I serve God for..just staring with blank, hurt faces....Then the doors closed, and the train departed. The symbolism God used in my head at that moment, that someone would walk away from everything they love, without a word was paralyzing.
I don't know if I thought it would feel "that" real. I was numb the entire 40 minute ride to the city, only awakening from my emotional coma as we hit the streets of the city, and encountered the reactions of people. Or should I say the avoidance of my existence....
I realized very quickly this documentary was going to be alot bigger to me then I ever dreamed......and surely alot more real....

(to be continued)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Birth of (CP) Cornelius Project

Those who are very close to me, and know me very intimately, know that when I say my four famous'll want to'll want to hide.....but you'll be sucked in by the energy force called (INTRIGUE)
my four famous words...
(rewind...with a fast forward twist, and a side of current)

The next 48 hours are going to be hell, painful, aggravating, and frustrating. I'm going to be rocked to my core, and everything in me will want to run.....I will hate who I am, and others are. I will sense my worthlessness, and understand I've haven't done nearly as much as I could have..........and you know what? I'M GONNA LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT..

About a month ago, I grabbed a very close friend of mine, and uttered these very same words. Jared Berry is slowly becoming one of my closest friends. We are "simpatico", very very kindred spirits, even though almost a decade difference in age. I'm really falling in love with the guy, and his heart to reach people, and still take chances.
I approached him with this idea I really felt God laid on my heart. I've worked very closely with the homeless population since I began ministry 11 years ago. I ALSO have always wanted to do documentaries.....(you see where I'm going with this...) So I said "let's be homeless" Nothing long term (still love my family). But let's say 48 hours?

How can we open the churches eyes to making a difference in those who literally have nothing....the have to get to the root, show facts, and open eyes. That's what we want to do. 2 guys, wanting to raise home missional awareness I mean what can we do for "THE LEAST OF THESE"....
And out of that CP (or Cornelius Project was born). Jared shared with me today as we took some sacred time for scripture sharing in Acts 10. When Peter was summoned to the centurion Cornelius (and yes my mind went straight to the "damn dirty ape" line from Planet of the Apes) digressiiiiing.

Cornelius was the first gentile convert of the new testament. He was the first that God gave Peter  to "cross the line", when God spoke and said "I SHOW NO PARTIALITY". That simple phrase has been ringing in my head all day. God shows no Partiality towards me...the "good looking" pastor with a family vs the homeless gentlemen who has nothing.....

So our goal is to raise awareness on Hot topic/Taboo issues that Church's deal with. Were giving away whatever we produce, in the name of AWAKENING......For the next 48 hours I am not PASTOR JIMMY SMUDA. I am homeless, I am not a daddy, I am homeless, I am not a husband, I am homeless, My address for the next 48 hours is not the beautiful house I reside in valley stream, but NYC Manhattan, the streets my bed. I will eat whatever I find,  beg for spare change (***and give it away to those in true need, along with any donations given to us****)
I am not a writter, preacher, friend or foe...I am not a mentor, councelor, brother or role model.....for the next 48 hours.....I am homeless........I am homeless....
......and pray that I don't come back as "ThE  iDiOt"  I know right now sitting in front of my computer.....

more to come.........ThE iDiOt..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Win baby Win........

I came to a startling revelation that I shared with a young lady last night after one of my teachings.
She was sharing a brief synopsis on her life, and something she was struggling with. Already that day I had spoken at a local College group, Lead my leadership/discipleship team, did the main service teaching and was spent. I had not allot left to give out (and I had already been texting this beautiful young soul all day.) She gave me the cutest smile, and said "Pastor Jimmy, I really do want to be over this "thing". I said there's one simple way. WIN!
During most of the day, I was sharing a chronological message on how in Mark, it states that Jesus was tempted by the devil, and HE WON. Right after that chronologically Jesus comes off the mountain, grabs a couple more disciples, then begins preaching/teaching in the synagogues. Then comes the infamous SERMON ON THE MOUNT. 
My point? If we can transform our minds, to realize that in THE MIDST of the temptation, struggle, valley (insert your christian struggle slogan here) that IF WE WIN, God wants to use us in  a big way IMMEDIATELY.  Jesus' ministry began "after" his biggest temptation....

So back to this beautiful young soul. I looked deeply in her eyes, and said, when your winning, it doesn't matter how long the game is....... when your winning it doesn't matter how hard the struggle is.....YOUR WINNING......

It's when your losing that struggle, valley, (yada yada yada)...THAT'S when it seems to much to bear.

             Don't worry about ( again...fill in the blank to your current catastrophe) just focus on winning, and transform your mind to understand that IF you win, there's a good chance God will want to use you immediately.....

tHe iDiOt.......

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I believe in LOYALTY.
I live loyalty. I breathe loyalty, I eat it....with a spoon.
One of the biggest wrestling matches I've ever had with God was when I realized that I would not stay in one church (the church I came to know Christ in) for 80 years. I left bible college wanting to be at one church, forever. Now several church's later, there is still a nasty taste in my mouth due to this fact.  Recently I took a group on a retreat, and had a conversation about "getting old". People at my current church LOVE to remind me how Old I'm getting. I don't mind. I'm 32. In perspective, in 9 more months I'll have outlived my birth mother, who I always regarded as dying too young. So I'm not hung up on getting old. The conversation went on, and I began sharing how moving so much, deprived me of one of my childhood dreams. Being old, arguing on the front porch with life long friends on who was the greatest quarterback Marino or Montana?
Crabby old men together, discussing how "back in our day we had "pure" role models like PARIS HILTON...Not like these stars today!!!
Needless to say, moving has taken a toll on long distance relationships in my life. 
Through this conversation, I shared my heart on this, and one of my
leaders said 
"then you gotta stay in one place for a while". 
Oh how I wish I could open my chest and show all my heart on this. 

Proverbs 2:6 (the message) says this: "God gives out WISDOM free, 
is plainspoken in knowledge and understanding. 
He's a rich mine of common sense for those who live well, 
a personal bodyguard to the canddid and sincere. 

I love loyalty so much that I have an issue with myself on this one. However I also know
when God has spoken to move on. I think of when God called MOSES to move from the palace
to redeem HIS people. I'm sure the palace was nice, and I know Moses had big plans.
In todays world there is a lack of loyalty, and no place more than the church. Generations upcoming
are bouncing to find the "right fit". Leaving at a moments notice. Or they are even doing
"double duty" attending several churchs at once. I am not opposed to either, nor judge anyone
who does such. I simply wonder how healthy that is for the spirit? Though I know God has
ordained and called each one of mine and Gloria's moves, it is all at a cost. Though we call
ourselves "nomads" at times, more appropriately we've been missionairies to a post-christian
nation. That is not something we ever envisioned, but have obidiently embraced.
At the expense of losing a dream (1 place...forever) God has sent us many places to
teach, dialogue, and encourage loyalty. I just pray when I'm old....the old guys will be there
to argue....and defend the integrity of Paris.....

tHe iDiOt......

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nebraska...what are you doing?

EpHeSiAnS 5:1 (WAKE UP FRM YOUR SLEEP) Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us.LOVE LIKE THAT....(MESSAGE)

Nebraska. Know mainly for CORN and Corn husker football. Now this state has allowed parents to "dump" their children off at any hospital when they have "had enough". As despicable as this is, the thoughts of what these poor children have already learned from their parents. What will the next generation of parenting look like. As I sit here my youngest daughter is watching blues clues, laughing mercilessly. There's nothing in me that could ever imagine "having enough". No matter what she does or does not do. I love where this scripture says "his love was not cautious". Cautious loving is not loving at all. It's simply tolerating. It's placating. We need parents who will grow and love their children extravagantly. 
tHe iDiOt...

Monday, November 10, 2008

ThE "PREGNANT" man?????

                             So the goal of mine is to "someday" have "someone" comment on "something" on my blog. I ramble (as per the sub title) I'm an idiot (as per basic evidence) . So I'm going on a limb with this posting. I "may" be just controversial enough to get some kind of comment. Maybe not, but here's my cheap attempt at fame and world  recognition (or just a head nod from someone)
So it's painful to watch my wife in anguish during our prego time. Were six months (and I produce BIG FRUIT) so my poor wife has the burden to bear this COLLOSALL child for another 3 months, and my heart just aches to watch (and ears to hear....ehem ehem..) So i let my ridiculous mind wander. What would it be like for "dudes" to give birth. I mean I know we have a higher threshold for pain (ok some of us do). We think a bit more clearly, and of course way more reasonably. So i begin to think this would be a non-issue. Dudes having babies would be cool. I'm a sentementalist too. I tell my wife, if "I" was pregnant, i'd be singing to the baby more, telling it stories in my belly, and the child would have already learned Latin in it's original context.....but that's just me....

Then I ran across this scripture. John 16:21"A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world". Now THAT'S where guys suck, and we blow our chance!
                                                     My wife will forget about all the pain Josiah James Smuda is putting her through .1 seconds after that beautiful little boy appears on the scene (trust me, my girls were collosal as well, and that didn't stop my wife). FASCINATING!! My wife has never once talked negatively of any pregnancy after each of my girls were born. It's an ability to forget (or forgive) the pain....Such a focus on joy....and Love...
            I've delivered during my career many visions, that (at least I think) feel like giving birth. The sweat, tears, "blood", emotions, etc. But during those times, and even now I have a tendancy to REMIND EVERYONE WHO WOULD EVER LISTEN of the anguish, pain, and suffering I had to go through to RECEIVE THAT JOY...WHY? because I'm a great pastor and that's what we do......We remind EVERYONE what WE went through, ALL THE TIME...(they teach us that in seminary, right after learning how to  give guilt to people who miss a sunday....but before we learn the "capitol gains campaign" lessons..)

Needless to say, after reading that scripture, I'm blessed to have found more reasons to call my wife MY HERO and reaffirm how unworthy I am of her love..... She has the ability to see JOY coming...She has the wisdom to know all this pain is going to be worth it, she has the discipline to forget the pain....and she has a husband who's idiotic enough to think he's half the person she is.......

quote the IdiOt....nevermore..

Thursday, November 6, 2008


History was mad 2 nights ago. America voted for it's first african american president. Though many fundamental's are in an uproar and furious. I have to admit there's a tinge of excitement in my heart. NOT because I voted Pres-elect Obama, or even agree with half of his policies. But for the fact of the matter that this is the church's finest hour. With the moral neglect agenda future President Obama has in store, Christians all around this great country have the opportunity to finally live out the bible.

Romans 13:1-7 says this: EVERYONE must submit himself to the governing authorities, for therei s no authority except that which GOD has established. The authorities that exist have been established by GOD. Consequently he who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has institutied". 

1st Timothy 2 says " I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers and intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone. For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

I had 15 text messages on Tuesday night all proclaiming that "WE NOW NEED TO PRAY MORE THAN EVER". 

I responded to each saying "SHOULDN'T WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN PRAYING"

                                    Christians calm down, and stop insulting God as if he has no clue what he is doing. Were primed as a church for "OUR FINEST HOUR" when we can pray for a president we don't fully agree with, or hold the same values. We can finally show that we will stand behind scripture that tells us to focus on PRAYER for our leaders.
Going ballistic and showing rage get's us nowhere. Our job now is to pray. Pray whole heartedly that God will bring leaders around President Obama, that will encourage, strengthen and show him the heart of God.

Wanna do something funny to a christian. When they start ranting and raving about how bad things will be, and ask who you voted for? Make a crazy face and tell them you totally forgot to vote! They're reaction is priceless.

Friday, October 31, 2008

HoW's YoUr 30?

There are times in your life when you really feel like your onto something, like you've really grabbed the heart of God. 
"30" is one of those things in my life currently that I feel God can take use as a catalyst for my leadership. Here's where it was born. 
A couple weeks ago, I began pondering what 2009 would look like. How can I get young people to grow consistantly and continually? I realized this. In about 2 and a half months peole will begin pondering in their minds the things they will do in 2009. Some will call them goals, some will deem them new years resolutions. Thin in 3 and 1/2 months (and 10 pounds added onO from now, everyone will have forgotten those "deemed' goals and life will continue, roll on , nad move forward. This produces an endless cycle of inconsistency in our lives, and gives us no strong bar for growth. One night during a quiet time, and in the name of measuring spiritual growth, I had this idea (or vision you could say). What if we were able to get people to continually evaluate their spiritual growth "DURING" THE GROWING PROCESS? (Think looking at yourself in the mirror as a child and "phisically" watching yourself grow). What if we were able to set goals, make commitments to God (LARGE and small) and measure our positive motion (movements towards God) throughout a 30 dayperiod. Roughly 12 times a year, stand up against a wall and mark off our "growth". I presented this to my "Remnant" (leadership Institute) and quickly the phrase "HoW's yOuR 30? (think New York accent "how you doin? but cooler) was born out of their spiritual creativity. What we came together to plan is a 1 year worth of "30's". Every 30 days for the next year we are going to challenge a group of about 150 students to evaluate, re-evaluate, and re-evaluate again their lives all in the name of finding who they are in Christ. The goal will be to be able to have a continual bar as which to gauge themselves by:

Eph 3:17-20 says this: So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
The word dwell comes from the Hebrew word "MISHKAN" which means "to live in". My hopes and prayers are that if we challenge people (especially this generation) to pull out the spiritual measuring tape every 30 days. To truly be honest with themselves and ask "HAVE I GROWN? or am I stunted spiritually?" If were able to monitor growth DURING growth itself, imagine how REAL God becomes to us! 
Make this covenant with God. Share your thoughts and your growth. You can check out what some of the youth are committing to  at

Under the Influence

Moments ago I was sitting in my office, doing what I do on a continual weekly basis. On Friday I have a little ritual to break down my week and I ask myself an honest tough question.
How much have of an influence have I been this week?
Now some weeks it's a very fun question. Other weeks I want to open up the earth and just crawl in. 

I like to think of myself as a leader who daily wants to be "UNDER THE INFLUENCE". When we think of these words, how we tend to think negatively. Mel, Brittany, Nick (btw one of my favorite photo's ever) may jump out into our mind.

But what about JESUS? We know when Christ came, he was severly under the influence. The disciples? obvious (and I won't continue on and on with cheesy christian get the point)

    So @ i'm sitting in my office a dad walks in (and this always puts fear in my heart at first). Rob is a great guy. MAJOR ENCOURAGER. He and his wife have pulled me through some tense "moments" by simple e mails, or cards, or just simple smiles and "atta boys". Rob also heads up our mens ministry. As he walked briskly into my office he says to me words that shake me to my core.  He says this. "You know what your doing is influencing the whole church". See Rob is the head of our men's ministry. He's taken our mentorship strategy we've implemented in our "REMNANT" student leadership team, and began adapting it to the men's ministry. He then speaks of our "HOW'S YOUR 30?" covenant program, and how he's intrigued by it for the men. 
Rob blessed me this morning in so many ways. As he was walking out of my office he slyly said "Your making my job easy". When Rob left my office, I knew my "weekly tough question" had been answered.   I was under the influence.....and being an influence.

John Wesley said this.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dinner Theater.

Watching my kids eat is like going to a movie.
You laugh
You cry,
You shriek,jump in your seat, ask people to stop talking and put away your cell phones, stop kicking the chairs.....
SOMETIMES at the end your either glad it's over, or wishing it never begun. Then other days it's absolutely magical...
Needless to say it's an adventure. We start off every meal with a quick "favorite moment of the day". Today, Bella my oldest daughter , really felt a need to be detailed. I love this! I get every second of every moment of her day. From I talked to Ryan, to I forgot to wash my hands. These moments i desperately try to burn into my brain. I also love this because it "provokes" Ari to out duel her. So from Ari I get everything from I played with Polly  I like scary things (which she knows we hate). When these stories occur I find myself in incredible trance....hanging on every word they feed to me. Most of these times, I find myself gazing at them saying to myself "WHO ARE YOU?" just yesterday you were in diapers, and barely walking. So tonight it just popped out. In the middle of Bella's novel she was sharing (which BTW, if you think the lunch lady is playing around???? she AIN'T).
I had to interrupt, and as opposed to ask, I more likely "accused" her of being someone she wasn't. I said "WHO ARE YOU?".
Here is when Bella knows I'm in a daddy trance. She gives me this sheepish look across the table and hums a simple HMMMMM. Then I always live for the dramatic! So I stare directly into her big chocolate chip eyes and say very slowly. WHO....ARE.......YOU?
Bella looks at me, and with the sweetest voice that would rival the angels...says........"I'M YOU!"


Scripture says "Be Holy, as I am Holy"....

That someday God would look upon us. Look deeply into our beautiful eyes and lovingly ask...WHO....ARE.....YOU???

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Gospel according to Legalism

During my prayer time this morning I've been battling in my spirit on what is legalistic in my soul, and what I'm over justifying. I know many Christians who think they have the corner market on this subject. They're opinion is the end all tell all to the "LAW".
I however am honest in the fact that I struggle with Paul's words of "ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE"  vs  Jesus' words of  "IF YOU CAUSE ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES TO STUMBLE".
I battle the my convictions VS God's law and heart to his people. 
It can all be so confusing. However THIS  I KNOW. I choose to do things with a Godly heart, and Godly intentions. There are so many things I will screw up on, and really pray God always sees the intentions of my heart,not necessarily my "works". My works will always fall short, but my heart? May it never fall short. May I not be Legalistic in my thinking. May I not lead out of my own convictions.  May I always balance LAW with effectiveness. 

Here's the best article I found. Sweet article by C.J. MAHANEY....

I pray it ministers to your hearts.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I imagine this fiery toothed maniac looking guy.
I imagine him being somewhat toothless from living in the dessert for years eating God knows what.
I imagine Him being horse (like a Lou Engle) kind of horse voiced.
I imagine people coming at first to mock and poke fun at this insane looking individual. Then being captivated by passion at it's purest.
I think of the fact that this person was SO passionate about what he did and why he did it, we don't know his last name (of course  we really don't know of any old or new testament  authors or patriarchs last names). But JOHN was the one of the few which his last name became the thing he loved the most.  Him and Jesus (THE CHRIST). (you could argue ELIJAH the prophet...but he was so much more wasn't he?)

So it's like me. Imagine if people didn't call me Jimmy Smuda. They called me Jimmy the youth pastor. Or Jimmy THE MINISTER, or Jimmy the Christian. (my personal favorite would be JIMMY THE DADDY...that or Jimmy the Daddy loving minister his most Holiness anointed one. That would do, be be really tough when filling out taxes). 
Today, I was honored to baptize 18 people in my church. What an awesome privilege. I'm not like most people (or pastors for that matter) I don't look for big conferences to speak at (been there. done that). I don't need a overload of platform time (again..done it..had enough of it). I find the utmost pleasure in continuing the things the hero's of the faith had done in their time. What an honor to baptize others into a deeper walk with God. 
I pray there's a time that God gives me a ministry, with people in mind, that would define me in the people's eyes. I look up and smile at the name of my blog....the idiot...

JIMMY THE IDIOT........fits well..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The last few days have been many "proud" moments.
This past Sunday I taught with a student of mine in front of the church, I currently serve at.
What an honor. 1st to be given the privilege to speak to such a diverse, multi-ethnic crowd. But also to share a stage with an men tee of mine. I've only known Mark for about 6 months, but our souls have collided in a beautiful effort to further the kingdom. I sat there  very proudly on Sunday as I glanced with a watchful eye, almost seeing God pour his blessings upon this young man. It felt as if I was watching a boy transform into a man.

I also have another proud moment. This one a bit more to the center of the heart. My oldest daughter Bella starts 1st grade tomorrow. Nothing in me wants to allow her to grow up. I dread every day that takes "too  much" time away from her. It makes me sick when I lose focus on what's important to me. There is nothing more important then Family, and the people who can become family. NOTHING. PERIOD!
We have to look for the opportunities where we can bask in joy for others, while seeing the move on in their life. Though sometimes it's really hard for us to watch others succeed and move on. It's important our lives remain selfless and focused on others.
Otherwise we are self absorbed, over bloated, egotistical maniacs....
or what others may call...Ministers (I'm a minister..i just took a shot at myself and no one else)
tHe iDiOt....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Craig Groschel one of America's leading innovative pastors came up with a really "practical" top 10 list of THINGS TO DO WHEN NO ONE IS SAVED. Craig has always been a favorite of mine wheather I always agree with him or not, due to his practicallity and most importantly his transparency of being a pastor, a dad, and a genuine man of God. In His ministry his desire is to give it all away to further the kingdom of God (i.e. he allows ministries to use ALL of his sermons, handouts, print outs, video clips...FOR FREE...You don't see that kind of kingdom mindedness much).



Monday, August 4, 2008


"It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless g rabs for happiness; trinket gods; magig show religion; paranoid  loneliness; cutthroat competition; all consuming yet never satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence of love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives small minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on. This isn't the first time I have warned you, If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit Gods' kingdom".

Christianity is a funny thing to the CHRIST FOLLOWER. Christianity, at times is a product that can be formed to our current pleasures. (I.E. I LIKE THIS MOVIE...HENCE I CAN COMPLETELY JUSTIFY SPENDING 190 DOLLARS TO GO SEE IT...I MEAN IT'S JUST A MOVIE). The Christ follower sees the implications that movie has. Christianity at times frustrates the Christ follower. Though yes, one in the same. They have different mind sets. The Christ follower is avid on relentless pursuit of HIS precepts. The Christian struggles with how to "define" his/her Christianity.  The Christ follower, desires to die to himself continually, being the shadow of Christ. Sometimes Christians want it Their way. This leads to a life confusing, complacent, and shallow. What's the difference?  What are the distinct differences between Christianity and the Christ Follower?

Love to hear on this one!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Missions Minded

Missionaries are funny. People who go on missions  trips are even funnier. Now I'm speaking from a point of NEVER going on a missions trip (ill explain why in a bit).  But when someone comes back from a missions trip, it's ALL they can talk about. I mean in their mind we have missed out on the greatest opportunity God ever gave to any man, woman, child, or martian.  We must have missed God by like 4 states by not going on this missions trip. If were involved in another ministry....HOW DARE WE. Consequently one young woman this morning chastised the congregation. She made everyone stand up who had NOT gone on a missions trip, then exclaimed WHAT A SHAME....and continued to tell us how embarassed we should be for not going. (Funny note: This prompted a gentlemen next to me who also stood up to say: "But I supported over half that team...NOW WHAT?" I chuckled. A young lady who happens to help on my leadership team, and is in my college ministry, and is the pastors daughter. Shared her 3 week expierience with passion and conviction. In between both services I told her "BE THE FIRST". She looked at me quizzically. I said be the first to drag us to where God brought you to....Not allowing us to drag you back to "normality". 
     See for 11 years, I've heard of every missions trip is the most amazing. Only to watch every soul become the same shell they supposedly left here. It's like when they were unpacking from their missions trip, they went right ahead and unpacked that lazy, ego driven, complacient, critical christian they originally took with them. 
See the first young lady (the WHAT A SHAME lady) said about a 5 things completely offiensive to me. And you know what? I LIKED IT!!!!!!
        Seriously, I loved it. I was totally offended, and loved every second of it. You know why? I was in the prescence of passion. I was in the prescense of a EXPIERIENCE WITH GOD....The pastors daughter spoke on DREAMING BIG, in one of her points. I was hit with DREAM OBNOXIOUS....

DREAM OBNOXIOUS.....Think about that. Obnoxious people have absolutely no worry about who they are offending, where or what. They are obnoxious, and don't care WHO cares about it! A couple of these missionairies were seriously obnoxious, and offensive. And I loved every minute of it.

James 1:5 says (the message)
Ask Boldly. believing without a 2nd though. People who "worry about their prayers" are like wind-whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the mast that way, adrift at sea, keeping your options open

here's to OBNOXIOUSNESS.....

(to be continued....)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


     Ever feel like your always 1 or 2 steps behind the next big idea. Last year a group of students and I begin feeding homeless communities in Lakeland Fla (before the city kicked them out). 6 months later REVIVAL HITS. For the last 10 months God's been putting a discontent in my heart how the church "Markets JESUS". Donald Miller writes a book called what? MARKETING JESUS! I swear in my line of work, there are always books being written, or philosophy's being implemented that "just" get done ahead of mine. As aggrevatting as that is, it's also comforting to know your in the right "ballpark", to where God is leading your life. This isn't that comforting though at the time. 

     You understand JOB (the bible guy..not the career) when he says "HE deprives the leaders of the earth of their reason' he sends them wandering through a trackless waste". 

But we must realize that as long as were in the same ocean, the waves of God's majestic visions will open in front of us. 

We must be patient. 

Psalms 143 says "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

     May we always be hungry to do. And patient to listen, wait, and BE STILL~
-ThE iDiOt-

Monday, July 21, 2008


Serving is easily accomplished when we are fully motivated. It's always so refreshing to see when someone has gone on a missions trip, to a camp, or conference and been energized to come back and serve with a open heart and a willing spirit.
But it's sad to see that fire go. To watch the flame evaporate into thin air. What had the potential to burn bright....just faded away. They get distracted, come back to "reality" and begin to serve another type god (fill in your god here......ego, reputation...."reality".....selfishness...and on and on and on...)

2nd Kings talks about the Israelites sinning against the Lord their God. Giving into the temptations  God had delivered them from. (Forgetting that connection and encounter with God to RE-serve Ungodliness)

32. "They worship the LORD, but they also appointed all sorts of their own people to officiate for them as priests in the shrines at the high places. 33. The worshiped the LORD, but they also served their own gods in accordance witht he customs of the nations from which they had been brought". 

Why would we RE-SERVE what we know ( pride...laziness....ignorance)?
it says
Earlier in scripture it says:(vs 18)
"The LORD was very angry with ISRAEL and removed them from his presence.
and in verse (20)
Therefore the LORD rejected all the people of Israel

(could you imagine...after all they had been through)

When we RE-SERVE the former, we get former results...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Mentor

Mentorship per Wikipedia is described as a developmental relationship between a more experienced mentor and a less experienced partner reffered to as a protege- a person guided and protected by a more prominent person".

James 5:10 says this (message) Take the old prophets as your mentors. They put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a gift life is to those who stay the course! 

A mentor is a gift! A dying gift in today's world. 
Anyone who I ever council one of the first things I ask is "Who's your mentor" (in a Who's your daddy? kinda way).

I think when you live life without a mentor, your live a life that is LESS.
Less exciting
Less challenging
Less influential 
Just plain Less

God brings others into your lives to equip, challenge and encourage.

My favorite movie of all time is ROCKY. I believe in heaven 24/7 there will be a private mansion playing rocky 1-4 (skipping the last 2) for all of eternity. But that's just me.

There's a line where paully (rocky's brother in law) dares to ask Rocky what he see's in his sister. Rocky looks and him and says in a low mumble only true fans can understand.

"We fill gaps. She's got gaps, I got gaps...together we fill gaps".

Well said Rock.....Well said...

A mentor fills gaps.

Live a full life, find a mentor

To be continued....